Ten Things Only Bad Bosses Say
It is discouraging to hear people around you at work saying awful things to one another, but it's much worse when your manager is the person saying those things!
But there's is a silver lining when your boss proves to be a bad manager.
When you know what you are up against, you can start developing a plan to make your exit. You can start reading job ads, updating your LinkedIn profile and constructing your Human-Voiced Resume.
It is not normal or acceptable for a manager to criticize or belittle their employees, but lousy managers don’t know that. They may only ever have been managed by terrible bosses themselves.
Here are ten things only bad managers say. If you hear these things said at your workplace, it’s time to take action and get your job search moving!
1. I don’t make the rules — I just enforce them
Everyone understands that a manager doesn’t make all the company’s policies, but that doesn’t mean that he or she must blindly enforce rules that make no sense.
If you point out an inconsistency in a policy or a reason why your situation should represent an exception to the standard rules, it is your bosses’s job to bring that issue up to someone at a level to attend to it. If your manager won’t do that, it’s because he or she is afraid to make waves — and thus not someone who deserves your talents.
2. If you don’t want the job, I’ll find somebody who does
“If you don’t want the job, I’ll find someone who does” is the mantra of fearful managers everywhere. It means “Stop expecting me to rise to being human, because I cannot. I am stuck in fear and must try to keep you fearful as well — by threatening to fire you”
3. Just make it happen — and don’t screw it up
When your boss lays an impossible goal on you and then doesn’t want to brainstorm about the best way to reach the goal, it means they only care about one thing. They care about getting in trouble from their own boss if the goal isn’t met — and that’s why your bad manager will try to frighten you into hitting the target rather than coaching you on how to do it.
4. That sounds like a personal problem
A lousy boss will say “That sounds like a personal problem” when you mention that you have a perfectly reasonable conflict coming up between your work schedule and your personal life. A manager who doesn’t value your obligations outside of work is not someone you can afford to work for much longer.
You deserve a boss who knows that your life outside of work is at least as important as the work you perform in your job.
5. If I wanted your opinion I’d ask for it
Managers who are so fearful that they can’t stand to think one of their subordinates might have a good idea will not listen to your suggestions. Instead, they’ll tell you “If I wanted your opinion I would ask for it.” This is another favorite adage for an out-of-their-depth, incompetent manager who should not be responsible for leading other people — especially not you!
6. You’re lucky to have a job
When a lousy manager really gets freaked out by something you or someone else does or says, they will go for the jugular by saying “You’re lucky to have a job.” Of course, it is not true. You are not lucky to have a job.
You are capable and smart, so it’s not the least bit surprising that you have a job. A manager who can form their lips and tongue to tell a team member “You’re lucky to have a job” is a terribly insecure person who probably wonders how long they can hang onto their own position.
7. I don’t want to hear about problems — not unless you’ve got a solution
Maybe at one time back in the Industrial Age it made sense to tell employees “Don’t bring me problems — bring me solutions!” Now it is nonsensical and shows a manager’s lack of experience and judgment. If you knew the solution to a complex problem in your business, you would bring the solution to your manager along with news of the problem itself.
However, more and more these days good solutions involve group brainstorming and often several other departments and areas of expertise in addition to your own. It isn’t responsible to tell employees “Don’t bring me problems — only solutions!” unless you want your team members to keep quiet about looming problems that they don’t personally have ideal solutions for. Also, it’s lazy.
8. We’ve always done it this way
Just because an organization has always done something one way doesn’t mean it’s the best way to do it. Experimentation and re-evaluation of processes is a feature of every successful business. The real world is constantly changing. Processes have to change, too. If your manager tells you not to question the practices your organization follows, he or she is a terrible manager.
9. You can be replaced in a heartbeat
More fear-mongering from an insecure boss who might be afraid of getting singed by your growing flame...
10. Because I’m the boss — that’s why
When a bad boss has tried and failed to shut you up and shut you down, they will simply tell you that they are the boss and you are not, and therefore they are right and you are wrong. Run away from a person like this, as fast as your legs and your resume will carry you!